In this tutorial, we will be discussing how to remove connected devices from your Instagram account. With an ever-increasing risk of social media accounts getting hacked, some crucial measures need to be taken in this regard. We have already shared some privacy tips like opting for a stronger password or enabling two-factor authentication for your account. Apart from that, there exists another important privacy tip to keep a check on- that you are the only one having access to your Instagram account and that too from an authorized device.
There might be situations when you have logged into your account from another device, but forget to log out. Or you sold your old smartphone to the retailer but maybe didn’t remove your account from it. Well, the possibilities are endless. Therefore, it is recommended to check out all the devices connected to your account.
Furthermore, if you deem any suspicious activity from any of the connected devices, you should remove it from your Instagram account at that instance itself. Today, we will be showing you how this could be done. Let’s begin. On that note, also check out 5 new Instagram tips and less-known features.
Remove Connected Devices from Instagram Account
Thankfully, the image-sharing app provides an easy interface in dealing with all this. Not only does it shows the list of all devices associated with your account, but it also displays the date, time and device name. Furthermore, it even goes a step further and shows the exact location on the maps from where your account was accessed.
So if you find any device not belonging to you or the location it was accessed from is not under your domain, then the best bet is to take immediate action. So in this guide, we will be listing the steps to remove connected devices from your Instagram account. Here are the required instructions to be kept in mind. Apart from that, it is advisable to use these Instagram features to control your privacy.
Steps to be followed
- Open the Instagram app and head over to your profile.
- Next tap on the hamburger menu and select Settings.
- Within that, go to Security and tap on Login Activity under the Login Security section.
- Within the Where You’re Logged In section, you’ll see a list of all the devices associated with your Instagram account. The time, place and device name will also be visible. The activity shown at the top will be your current Instagram session.
- Most of this list will be filled with your login activity itself. To check the location of any of these activities, tap on the three horizontal dots. it will point out the session location on the map.
- If you sniff anything suspicious, it is better to remove that connected device from Instagram. To do so, just tap on Log Out below the location.
- There is another way of doing so. Right at the top of the Login Activity page, there is a Was This You section. This feature directly shows everything right on the map itself. You could scroll towards the left and check other activities as well. And if you are unsure about any of these sessions, just tap on the This Wasn’t Me option.
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So this was all from this guide on how to remove connected devices from your Instagram account. It is always advisable to keep your social accounts safe, secure and up to date with the latest privacy tips. And the tip we discussed in this guide will definitely help in further strengthening your account’s safety. With that said, don’t forget to share your views on this in the comments section below.
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