As smartphone users, we all love software updates as they bring new features, enhancement and fixes to the bugs found on the older software. Now, there are two types of software updates— the minor ones that are mostly incremental and introduce little changes, and the major ones that bump the OS version to a greater one and bring tons of new goodies. The Android Lollipop is probably the greatest update the OS has received so far.
You must agree that new updates taste best when served fresh and hot but sadly most Android users get updates when they get stale. Android Lollipop was released by Google back in November 2014 but even after 6 months only 3% devices have been able to get it. As for Samsung, the company never had a very good track record in rolling out updates.
Anyway, for the last few weeks, the Korean giant has been constantly sending the Lollipop updates to different variants, especially the AT&T models. After a long wait, the users of the AT&T variant of the Galaxy S4 started reporting the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update with build number I337UCUGOC3. The size of the update is around 945 MB. Having updates to Lollipop, you’ll experience a complete overhaul in the UI with all new material design and smoother performance.
If you own the AT&T Galaxy S4 (SGH-I337) and have not received the Lollipop OTA yet, you can manually check for the update by going to Settings> System> About device> Software update. If you still don’t get any update notification, we have the Lollipop OTA package that you can flash manually via stock recovery. Thanks to Apoplectic1 for sharing the file. For the users who did not take the Lollipop OTA for the fear of losing root, we have a working method to update the AT&T Galaxy S4 SGH-I337 to Lollipop and keep root.
Whatever method you choose to go with, you must backup your phone’s data. Moreover, the procedures given below are considered risky and meant to be followed with utmost care. Follow the tutorial at your own responsibility! Also, having updated to Lollipop, you won’t be able to use Safestrap until an officially supported version is released. Also, you cannot downgrade to KitKat from Lollipop. Read the tutorial twice before you start following it!
Install Lollipop OTA on AT&T Galaxy S4
- Make sure your AT&T Galaxy S4 is 100% stock NJ4 (Android 4.4.4 KitKat) firmware. If your phone is running a different firmware, install the NJ4 firmware using this tutorial.
- Now download the OC3 (Lollipop) OTA package: 5.0update.zip
- Extract the downloaded Zip file to get the .cfg file.
- Now rename the file with .cfg extension to as “update.zip” and copy the file to the external SD card of your phone.
- Enable USB Debugging on your phone as precaution.
- Now turn off your device and reboot into the stock recovery. To do so, hold the Volume Up+Home+Power keys together while the device is switched off. As soon as you see the Samsung logo, release the Power key and keep the other two keys pressed until you see the recovery menu.
- Using the volume keys, scroll to apply update from external storage option and select it by pressing the Power key.
- Navigate to the OTA update Zip package and select it.
- Confirm installation when prompted.
- When the file is flashed, go back to the main menu and select reboot system now option.
Please note that it might take from 5 to 10 minutes on the first boot and so you need to be patient. When your AT&T Galaxy S4 boots up, it’ll have Android 5.0.1 Lollipop running on it.
Update AT&T Galaxy S4 to Lollipop and Keep Root
If you want to enjoy Android while retaining root privilege on your AT&T Galaxy S4, you can do so by following the instructions provided below. The method is based on muniz_ri’s tutorial.
Note: You can use this method regardless of what firmware build version your phone has. However, you must be rooted to be able to use the FireFlash app! Flashing the pre-rooted firmware provided below will not trip the KNOX Warranty Void flag.
- Proceed with this method but make sure you got root. You can try Towelroot app to gain root access on your phone.
- Install Chainfire’s FireFlash app on your AT&T Galaxy S4. Since this new app is only available for beta-testers currently, go to the Google+ page and join the Android-FlashFire community. You must be signed into Google+ using the same Gmail ID that you use on the Google Play Store. Having joined the community, click the Play Store link to download FireFlash. If you have TWRP/CWM recovery installed on your phone, you can flash the provided ROM zip using custom recovery too.
- Download the stock rooted Lollipop ROM for the AT&T S4: I337_OC3_Stock_Rooted_ROM.zip
- To enable WiFi tethering on your AT&T S4 running Lollipop, download the following add-on: I337_OC3_TetherAddOn.zip
- Set the screen timeout of your phone to 10 minutes.
- Before you do any thing, open SuperSU app on your phone, tap the Settings tab, scroll to Enable su during boot option and enable it.
- Copy the I337_OC3_Stock_Rooted_ROM.zip and I337_OC3_TetherAddOn.zip file to your device.
- Open the FlashFire app and “Agree” to the Terms and Conditions prompted by the app.
- Press the rounded “+” button twice to bring up the Actions menu.
- Tap Flash Zip or OTA and select the I337_OC3_Stock_Rooted_ROM.zip.
- If you also want to enjoy free WiFi hotspot on rooted Lollipop, tap the “+” icon once again. Press Flash Zip or OTA option and select I337_OC3_TetherAddOn.zip.
- Make sure that Auto-mount is unchecked under the Options menu and press the check-mark to continue.
- From the main menu uncheck all options under EverRoot and use default Reboot settings.
- When all’s done, tap the Lightning bolt followed by OK to begin the installation.
All you have left now to do is to keep you finger crossed and wait patiently for some time. Don’t panic if the screen is blacked out for a while. When the installation finishes, your Galaxy S4 will reboot automatically. You’ll have to wait again for 5 minutes before your phone boots up.
Installing WiFi Tethering Add-on
If you want to enjoy free mobile hotspot on your AT&T Galaxy S4 on Android Lollipop, follow the instruction provided below.
- Install FireFlash app by Chainfire (see Method 1 for how to).
- Download the Mobile Hotspot mod file and copy the zip to your phone: I337_OC3_TetherAddOn.zip
- Now launch FireFlash and tap the “+” icon twice to bring up the menu and then select Flash Zip or OTA option.
- Navigate to I337_OC3_TetherAddOn.zip file and select it.
- Make sure that the Auto-mount option is not selected under Options.
- Leave the default settings under EverRoot and Reboot options untouched.
- Finally, tap the Lightning bolt icon and then tap OK.
FireFlash will start flashing the tether add-on file. When your device reboots and becomes usable you’ll be able to enjoy WiFi tethering on your AT&T Galaxy S4 running Lollipop firmware.
hi i already download the file and change it to zip, when i go to recovery and choose the file, something error came, and the os still kitkat 4.4.4, any tips easy way to upgrade this into lolipop?
i can tether without doing any of this on my i337….i am stock without root…..then again…im unlocked on tmobile so maybe that’s why
No, you can restore your device by flashing the stock firmware.
How can I flash the stock firmware without being able to turn the phone on at all? Is it possible to flash it when the device is off?
I used fireflash to upgrade to lollipop but the screen stayed black for longer than 30 mins, I decided to take out the battery and try a soft reset. My phone won’t turn on again. No lights, no logo, nothing, it just won’t turn on at all. Is there anything I can do other than give it to an engineer?
Was it charged amply before you started with the procedure?
Not full but it was roughly 80% before I started. I just noticed I completely forgot to set my screen timeout to 10 minutes. Is there a chance i took my battery out while it was still in the middle of installing? What can i do? I can’t even go into safe or recovery mode.
My Phone is s4 sgh-i337 NB1 rooted . is this ok to upgrade . thanks faster response .. thanks
Sadly my friend you have a hard bricked phone, for those that also have this issue you’ll either need to look into a jig or repair by a professional.
i was root my phone and do all of the things that you’re recommended to do before i try to apply the lollipop update “keep rooted”. I install the APK “flashfire” and flash the custom Rom that i was downloaded, first it work properly, but after the Phase “flashing the system” my phone reboot and Still stuck on Samsung logo Screen.
what can i do to bypass..? Cause i feel nervous i don’t have phone to work, and i love my Galaxy S4 sgh-i337.
Plz someone help…!
Hi, what’s the current status?
It work great after a short read under the Jaielo comment… i fallowed the instructions step by step and retry flashing ROM after root with towel root (superSU) That’s it..!
Thank you…
All’s well if end’s well! Glad to know you made it yourself.
con el flash fire puedo instalar otras stock roms
I followed this tutorial and my phone wont turn on or charge, it just stayed with a black screen and the led glowing blue for about 4 hours, now it wont start or do anything
I used the keep root tutorial on an AT&T SGH I337 Samsung Galaxy S4 and my device just wont turn on anymore, is it bricked or has anyone have this problem before, how did they fixed it?
I have Samsung Galaxy S4 AT&T but my phone’s baseband is I337UCUAMDL.
Can I flash NJ Kitkat ROM on my device safely?
I heard flashing a rom that has a differerent baseband can cause phone to heat up and even brick..Can I flash this rom safely without encountering any problems?
Thank You
yo ya tengo LOLLIPOP 5.0.1 en mi s4 sgh-i337 pero no anda muy bien se traba en ciertas ocasiones….les recomiendo no lo hagan…solo hay que esperar un poco la oficial asi estaria bien cocinada y andaria mejor….suerte..!!
Thanks for the great information! I see there are some that are having trouble with using the rooted phone installation. I was wondering if it would work to use the first method for my rooted sgh-1337? (If I lose root, nbd, I can always re-root it, n’est pas? 😉 Also, My once unlocked AT&T S4 is now using T-Mobile, that wouldn’t be a problem, would it?
I tried flashfire to upgrade using keep root process and phone is stuck on firmware upgrade encountered issue now (after FAIL try to fix using odin)…Any suggestions?
I even tried Kies to restore using model and s/n but recovery does not proceed after download without recognizing the phone. Appreciate any help.
For now, I am back to square one NJ4 build with root as I was able to use another network mini-pc to flash NB1 (after laptop refused to Odin the file).
I will wait for the response here before I try upgrade to OC3/4 again using flashfire..not sure what went wrong (choosing both OC3 and tether together? S4 showing Custom lock on boot? flashfire?? ).
Please do suggest the alternate way as stock recovery doesn’t even have backup option!!
I followed the steps and it all seemed to work ok, but it is still showing that I’m running 4.4.4–it basically just refreshed my phone back to factory and now I’m restoring from backup. I did get the OTA minor update on 8/4 that is the last build of 4.4.4 before getting Lollipop. Still showing build KTU84P.I337UCUFNJ5.
I’m running kitkat 4.4.4 but my baseband version says I337UCUFNJ5. If I go to software update it tells me my software is up to date. AT&T S4 but running StraightTalk. Do I need to revert to “…FNJ4” before I can try to install Lollipop? Thx.
That’s the same question I have. Too bad nobody answered you. Did you try it?
I have a at&t gs4 with mf3 software and on update phone has error Com.android.phone has stopped what do I do?
Perform a reset via recovery- https://www.droidviews.com/how-to-perform-data-factory-reset-and-wipe-cache-on-samsung-galaxy-devices/
I have but it after reset same thing happens
Then flash it again.
tnx worked good after flashing bootloader for me
i tried the update lollipop and keep root method with the wifi tether. my phone used to be 4.2.2 i think. everything seemed fine. but the phone boots and once it gets to the home screen, the home screen is black, only showing the battery, signal, and nfc logo. it also flashes the message com.android.phone has stopped. i can tell the update worked because the popup looks different, but i am unable to get to any apps or settings, and wiping the cache and factory resets did not work. what to do from here?
Flash this firmware: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23501681358548937
Using Odin 3.09 to restore your phone and try again.
The way it worked for me was to flash the regular rom first and get everything how you want it. Then flash the optional tethering add on. When I flashed them at the same time it didn’t work. Hope this helps.
gracias me sirvio de mucho este metodo al hacer el upgrade de android 4.4.2 ha 5.0.1
Says the stock rooted rom for is corrupt what to do?
Redownload the file.
It took me two tries (I had to flash back to 4.4.4 using ODIN then redo the steps above) but it worked, for no real reason at all other than that it just did. Great guide!
help! my phone keep on flashing “unfortunately, the process com.android.phone has stopped ” what should i do?
Do a data factory reset: https://www.droidviews.com/how-to-perform-data-factory-reset-and-wipe-cache-on-samsung-galaxy-devices/
Worked like a charm. Thanks!
Excelente aporte Takeshi Muchas gracias aunque esta en ingles se entiende perfectamente gracias a las imágenes si alguno le sale en la parte de super su 3 opciones coloquen nunca para knox Samsung no les de algún problema lo hice tal cual y funcionó con mi s4 at&t de 4.4.2 a 5.0.1 saludos gracias
hola amigo como lo hiciste ami me da un error
Can I do Downgrade 5.0.1 –> 4.4.4 or .2 and update again with keep root method ???
No. Downgrading might be risky due to the locked bootloader.
How much risky? Did any one tried?
Your device might get into a bootloop and can be restored to normal state only by flashing the Lollipop firmware back.
say we… accidentally did this… and are stuck in a bootloop….. how would i go about flashing the lollipop firmware back?
I tried this and I was able to downgrade to 4.4.2 🙂
yep Sundeep… I am also succeed in downgrade to 4.4.2
hey muchas gracias lo intente con la del root y funciono y disculpa las molestias
Hey, my phone is stuck on the Samsung Galaxy S4 logo. I used FlashFire to flash the roms. I can’t seem boot the phone for some reason.
Try a data factory reset from stock recovery.
hi rakesh, im trying to install lollipop onto my galaxy s4 i337 but i cant seem to get passed the part where i have to change the file extension name from .cfg to .zip, whenever i go to es3 file manager and try to rename the file extension it doesnt allow me to. and so when i try to do the next step, which is to go into the system recovery mode and install the update, it doesnt let me because i cant even find the file.
Can you please help me? thanks in advance.
Why don’t you do the renaming thing on Windows?
when i try doing it on my pc first it doesn’t change the file correctly. it becomes a zip file again. is that what its supposed to do? because it ends up not having any extension. it goes from 2400258.cfg to just 2400258 as a zip file itself.
ok nevermind it worked how you said. thank you very much rakesh.
wow it worked perfectly thank you very much rakesh. i am now on lollipop 5.0.1
help me
Rakesh hello have a sgh i337 and try to make this update
Lollipop OTA install on AT & T Galaxy S4
and did all the steps between the recobery and try to install it but when I was installing errors occurred neighborhoods and rose manufactures
I thought it was a mistake DOWNLOAD discharge and again and I spend the same help me
Rename the .cfg file as “update.zip” and try again.
I did what you told me and the error occurred
error:tip e sd card external
mira la informacion de mi telefono
hola Rakesh tengo un sgh i337 y trate de hacer la esta actualización
Install Lollipop OTA on AT&T Galaxy S4
y hice todos los pasos entre al recobery y trate de instalarlo pero cuando se estaba instalando me ocurrieron barios errores y subió de fabrica
crei que era un error de descarga y lo descarge otra vez y me paso lo mismo ayudame
Hi Rakesh,
I’m planning to use “Install Lollipop OTA on AT&T Galaxy S4” method to update by locked at&t sg4. I was wondering will stock recovery model wipes out all my old data includes contacts/media files/apps?
Thank you,
It’ll not wipe anything but we recommend that your create a backup all important data.
HI, link is not working for rooted rom.
Here it is: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=24052804347762686
will this delete my data?
Fireflash only works with SuperSU and not anything else, so I had to flash stock kitkat rom to remove root and then reroot using TowelRoot app. Then i was able to disable knox and also update the binary. After that I tried your flashfire method and worked like a charm 🙂
Thank you very much.
is lollipop 5.1 supported on the SGH-I337? if so, can i update it to 5.1 using the fireflash method? thanks.
Man is stuck on Samsung logo… mY phone version was s4 at&t 4.4.4 rooted + Safestrap..I choice your second method fireflash but after flash my stock on logo..please guide me anyone ..how to get back to 4.4.4 thro ODIN pllleeeeeeeeeeeeasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Any one ??
Try a data factory reset via recovery and if that doesn’t work, download this firmware: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23501681358548937
and install it using Odin. Sorry for the late reply. I was out for a few days.
try wipe cache & dalvik and reboot, if still stuck reflash 4.4.4 using download mode and odin
Thanks, Works very well on my S4 😀
I am on an i337 unlocked and on t-mobile sim.
Currently running 4.4.4 and when i try and run an update check it says I’m up to date, so I downloaded the .zip and tried doing it manually, it completely reset my phone and 4.4.4 is still installed… Any tips?
Your phone must have the base NJ4 firmware to flash the OTA.
So if i have a S4 rooted i can update 4.4.2 to Lollipop with the Flashfire method?
I followed all these steps and was able to get the phone back to a fully working state. The version was still 4.4.4. Then I checked for updates and there was one update which I believe was version 5.0.1. It was ~937MB so took a while to download. I tried installing it but it said at the end that it failed. The version I see is still 4.4.4. Any ideas?
You can update the device manually.
Hello friend … as if absolutely everything runs smoothly … according was reading or Wi-Fi hot spot or even were losing quality calls from the update to 4.4.4 but at root the phone .. I had my s4 in 4.4.2 and I went up to lollipo tutorials rootee … but not me doing it all works so well.
1. Be sure your AT & T Galaxy S4 has a 100% stock NJ4 firmware (Android 4.4.4 Kitkat). If your phone is running a different firmware
NJ4 install the firmware using this tutorial.
2. Now, download the OTA package OC3 (Lollipop): 5.0update.zip
3. Once you have downloaded the zip file, unzip the file for the .cfg file
4. Copy the file .cfg file on the SD card of your Galaxy S4
4. Now open the file manager of your device, select the .cfg file and change the extension from .cfg to zip.
5. Enable USB debugging mode as a precaution.
6. Now turn off your phone and enter the recovery mode, to do this, press volume up, the home button and power button together
while dispostivo this off as soon observe the logo of Samsung, released the power button, but keep pressing the other two buttons
until you see the recovery menu.
7. Use the volume keys, navigate to “apply update from external storage” and select it with the power button option.
8. Find the .zip file and select it.
9. confirms the installation
10. When the file is flashed, returns to the recovery menu and select reboot system now option.
Note. It will take 5-10 minutes on first start your device so you need to be patient
when your galaxy s4 AT & T starts, this will have running on android 5.0.1.
I just translated what Jairo wrote in Spanish
I’m not sure what exactly was changed or removed from this guide but there is now some faulty steps in the FlashFire method. First. the flash zip or OTA doesn’t recognize the actual .tar file. You have to select flash firmware for the actual rom. But you still use the zip or OTA option for the partition and/or tethering mod.
Hi Ray, the tutorial has been updated several times. Now you need to download this file: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23991606952610199
and use Flash Zip or OTA option to get Lollipop with root.
Thanks for the update Rakesh, definitely had me confused. Why was it changed though? Any particular reason? Was there a problem with the previous guide and if so what was it?
The older version had WiFi connectivity issue.
Also, do we need the partitions file still too?
I suggest you guys try out the Flashfire method . It is the Best
Wow Rakesh I tried the flashfire method and it was so simple and straight forward . I just Followed the steps exactly as you stated which was pretty simple and now I am running Android 5.0.1 on my SGH I337 . And the wonderful part is it took me less than 10 mins to do the whole thing . Thanks So much . Flashfire is the new ODIN . THanks bro
Thanks for sharing your experience!
Hello. Can I do this without root? I followed instructions, however in KitKat I can’t rename the extension on SD card (w/o root)… so I renamed it to .zip as a file on phone, then moved it to SD card. My phone ended up being reset to the same version of KitKat. Help please. (In the recovery menu, there was an error with something “7” when i tried to install).
Hi Rakesh. Can you tell me how to reinstall 5.0.1 on my Samsung S4 I337 (AT&T)? After receiving the OTA upgrade to Android 5.0.1 from AT&T this week, I am missing the improved new Settings features. I still have the old Settings screens and options from KK. I have found instructions online to reinstall the firmware using KIES, but wouldn’t that just be loading the same that I already have on the phone? Wouldn’t it be better to download the 5.0.1 OTA zip file and copy to my SD card, then install that using recovery mode? Or perhaps I should just wait until AT&T releases 5.0.2 and see if that upgrade gives my phone to all of the improved Settings features I didn’t receive yet? I would just like to have all of the new cool Settings features. Thank you in advance for your advice.
Try this instead :
I don’t want to do a factory reset. I learned from another user online that some of the new improved Settings features that I hoped to get for my S4 are just not available. So the Settings options and UI did not upgrade on my phone due to the fact that it is 2 years old. I’m just going to have to live with a dumbed down version of Lollipop because I like my S4 and I don’t want to throw down hundreds of dollars for a different & newer Android phone that will allow features like Guest Mode and Adaptive Brightness or Battery Saver, etc. Thank you for your time and have a great day.
if phone gets stuck on the samsung custom logo then that means my phone is soft bricked?
Yes. You can try a data factory reset or flash the KK firmware.
Saludos desde Ecuador… Al estar en esta parte del planeta y tener un s4 de at&t me ha sido de mucha ayuda tus tutoriales, ya que las actualizaciones no llegan de manera automatica. Ahora mismo estoy corriendo con normalidad Android 5.0.1 Lollipop con todas las funciones del SGH-I337 de at&t… Muchas Gracias!!!
Buenas Amigo me Podrias decir si te funciona el wifi, y tambien desirme los pasos en español porque me hurgue ponerle la lollipop a mi s4 i337
Hola amigo… pues si funciona absolutamente todo con normalidad… segun estaba leyendo el wifi o el wifi hot spot o incluso las llamadas perdian calidad desde la actualizacion de 4.4.4 pero al rootear el telefono.. yo tenia mi s4 en 4.4.2 y lo fui subiendo hasta lollipo con tutoriales pero no lo rootee… haciendolo asi me funciona todo muy bien. Deja llego de la universidad y te ayudo con los pasos en español
Hey, I am unable to get you.
Jaja.. Hi, man… I’m new in this forum, but I just only translated your own tutorial… Thanks a lot bro, now I’m using lollipop in my sgh i337
Okay, Glad to know! 🙂
olle bro funciona el modern combat en tu s4 es que quiero actualizarlo pero me dijeron que ese juego no era compatible
a y otra cosa yo tengo root en el telefono pero quiero actualizarlo como en el primer metodo como le hago
Hi rakesh
thank you so much for your help… i recently updated to 5.0.1 in my sgh i337.. but consume lots of battery and ask me again and again for defaults home screen even if selected always…
And i want to jump on the cyanogenmod in my at&t S4… i tried many methods but i failed… i want to change my recovery so that i can install cyanogenmod 12…
reply ASAP plz
Try a data factory reset to fix minor issues: https://www.droidviews.com/how-to-perform-data-factory-reset-and-wipe-cache-on-samsung-galaxy-devices/
As for a custom recovery, you won’t be able to install it because your phone has a locked bootloader.
can I unlock the bootloader ?
can i root ??? rakesh
I tried to upgrade sgh-1337 att GS4 from 4.2.2 rooted, to lollipop 5.01 using flashfire method described. Followed directions exactly and softbricked my phone. Stuck on galaxy s4 boot screen.
Finally recovered phone with odin and I337UCUFNB1_TWRootable_Full_Odin.tar.md5.
After installing root, flashfire and SuperSU and configuring Super user properly, I tried again.
Again, I followed flashfire directions in this tutorial exactly. Softbricked again?!?!? This time it froze on AT&T boot screen and got really hot.
Not being a person that gives up easily, I’d like some suggestions.
Thinking about using TWRP?
If you got TWRP, you can use that too.
I just used TWRP to restart to bootloader. Softbricked my phone. Awsome!! Hours and hours of time gone!! Back to the beginning so I can spend hours of time fine tuning everything.
Hello I’m having data issues with unlocked at&t on tmobile
A little more detail about the issue is required.
Problem solved. Just had to go in and open the apn , then it start working
Thanks for your quick response
Glad to know!
Hello if a i update to lollipop 5.0.1 and i want root acces what do I need to do thanks
I dont have any prerooted rom please help
If you have already taken the Lollipop OTA, you’ll have to live without root. There’s no working root method available that works on AT&T S4 running Android 5.0.1.
hi im downgrading from 5.0.2 to 4.4.2 now im root thanks
Hey I’m running 5.02 on my at&t galaxy s4 sgh-1337. I want to root . How do I get root when I already have lollipop 5.02 installed? How did u do it? I really would apprecI ate your help. Thanks . ——Billy
If you are already on Lollipop, you won’t be able root the device. The only way at the moment si to downgrade to KK and root it. You can then use the FireFlash method to retain root on Lollipop.
However, I am still not sure f the downgrade from Lollipop to KK is possible. Let Allan confirm it first and then you can try the FireFlash method.
Hi Billy, you can downgrade to KK from Lollipop.
Thanks. I’ll try downgrading and let u no how it went. 🙂
Download the stock mdl kit kat then root the try this tutorial personaly i dont like lollipop the battery drains massive kitkat is better 😉 today i downgrading to jely beam but the wifi do not works y try to fix it
We’re you able to downgrade to KK from Lollipop?
yes it works 🙂
The link has been updated!
Its giving not found error again today
here it is: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23991606952601330
I was running on rooted ICS and tried the flashfire method, did Wipe, Flash Firmware, then Flash Wifi Tether mod all together. It got stuck on the logo screen, so after about 45 mins I rebooted into CWM recovery, did a factory reset/wiped cache etc and tried to flash that way. It gave me an error and now it just boots straight into stock recovery.
Download the following firmware and install it using Odin: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23501681358548937
Guide: https://www.droidviews.com/install-stock-firmware-on-samsung-galaxy-devices-using-odin/
CF is right. The files provided above are not custom. They are a100% stock and have just been packed into a flashable Zip.
After trying this I was stuck on the log screen like Ivan (even after 25 minutes) and tried to use odin to restore back to MF3. I got a failure after aboot.mbn and tried rebooting to use a different usb port/odin build. Now I am have the “Firmware upgrade encountered an issue. Please select recovery mode in Kies and try again.” screen.
At this point I have tried using multiple tar (almost positive it’s the right one), odin builds and everything to no avail. It always fails after aboot.mbn. Used to do this stuff all the time with no problems, but I’ve never been this stuck. Just need to get it functioning again..
Any suggestions Rakesh? Thanks so much for all your help.
Repartitioned with a pit file and tried a different USB for PDA. FINALLY!
The fireflash app doesn’t open, can i flash the file with TWRP or similar?
Download the latest FireFlash after joining the Google+ community page.
You can also flash the ROM zip using TWRP or CWM.
Thanks, i’ll post how it went
How it went? I’m there too, could you please post how you fixed it?
Help!! i got stuck at this screen for like 30 minutes, i used the flashfire method
Wait for some more time (15 minutes). If it still does not get past the logo screen, boot into TWRP, perform a wipe and flash again.
What things did you wipe before flashing the zip?
I wipe the 4 things mentioned, except the internal storage… And i did it with flashfire, i dont hace TWRP just the stock recovery
I upgrade to 5.0.1 but am having an issue with the phone where people and unable to hear me but I’m able to hear them fine. Is there a way to reset to either 4.4.4 or 5.0.1 even if that means I lose root access ?
Try this: https://www.droidviews.com/how-to-perform-data-factory-reset-and-wipe-cache-on-samsung-galaxy-devices/
thanks. Tried that and the phone is still booting safestrap. Any idea how I can remove safestrap ?
any idea if I can follow the steps listed in ”
Install Lollipop OTA on AT&T Galaxy S4″ and apply update from external storage option to update to OTA update even if I’m already on lollipop and rooted ?
You won’t be able to install the Lollipop OTA. You can try the FireFlash method though.
The links down again for the update file
Here it is: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23991606952592946
So, when I try to do this:
Download the stock rooted Lollipop firmware for the AT&T S4 and extract the .rar file to get the firmware with.tar extension: I337_OC3_Stock_Rooted_Firmware.rar
I get a 404 not found error.
Is this file no longer hosted? If not, where can it be downloaded? I did a google search for that file and downloaded one that was 1.6GB, but after the extraction, I get no .tar file. All of the other files seem to be where they should be, available for download, but this one isn’t. Am missing something?
Sorry for the late reply. Please try again. The tutorial has been updated!
Also wanted to say I didn’t have to tap the plus button twice to bring up the menu in Flashfire.
Can I do this on the S4 Active?? With the OTA download, I keep getting update failed and after 3 times of downloading the OTA at a painfully slow speed, clearing cache and removing apps, I’m ready to try this a different way!!! I have more than 4 GB available!!!
please answer asap
do i have to wipe my whole system? will that erase everything on my phone?
It’ll wipe the internal storage.
When I open FlashFire and select Flash Firmware package, I cannot find the firmware even though I am in the folder for it. Help
Make sure you have extracted the downloaded .RAR file to get the .TAR.MD5 file. Copy the .TAR.MD5 file to your device and FF will detect it.
Anyone try this with an unlocked AT&T phone running on TMobile?
It would not affect the SIM unlock, but should avoid flashing the tethering add-on.
Now that I’ve upgraded my phone to android 5.0.1 with root. How to Install Android 5.1 Lollipop Unofficial CM12.1.
Question: What if the phone is already updated to Lollipop 5.0.1, how do you root it then?
Just wait until some workaround turns up.
You can use Odin to downgrade.
Just followed through your instructions step by step… and 2 problems PLEASE HELP!. When the phone starts up…
1. Lollipop scans for WiFi networks… then after that gets stuck on “Checking for updates”
2. Google App Store is gone!
If you can help any way, I would really appreciate it brother.
Kind Regards,
I reckon we’d need a little more information.
Amazing outcome….spent the necessary time studying every word, and in less than 5-6 minutes I have a completely stock, rooted Lollipop! Thanks, Ray , for the advice on proper order….It worked! Now I can have some real fun….as if this wasn’t enough real fun….My advice to those that follow….STUDY EVERY WORD!
Is anyone having issues with “Supersu” after upgrading to Lollipop? its not giving permissions to apps even though it says enabled and global settings
I had a few do that actually. It’s not that Supersu is having any problems. Its just that the apps that use root function when available haven’t updated their apps to function directly with the new APis introduced in Lollipop. I’m not sure this would work on other devices from the s4 from att. So until it gets more mainstream things might not go through.
Going to try it including the wifi tether in one go.
Are you still having the issue?
Yes I was, however, I believe I may have got it working now. You need to combine the FlashFire root method and wifi tethering into one. Reorder list would be:
Flash Firmware
Flash Partition
Flash Wifi T Mod
When doing separately, I could not make it past the boot logo after applying the wifi mod.
Okay, I’ll try updating the post. Thanks for sharing your experience!
This was the process of how I got the root to work:
1) Used Odin to downgrade from 4.4.4 to 4.4.2 for fresh start.
2) Allow regular OTA upgrade to 4.4.4
3) Use Odin to downgrade kernel from NJ4 to NC1
4) Root device using TowelRoot
5) Use Odin to upgrade kernel from NC1 back to NJ4.
6) Install Flashire onto Device.
7) Copy Firmware and Partitions file to SD Card.
8) Use FlashFire as described in the tutorial.
9) Successfully confirmed root.
Corrected some errors. Also, some of the steps may not be required to root successfully in the tutorial above but this was just what I had done to get it working for me.
Still at the carrier logo… :/
Update: Just done the wifi tether and I’ve been at the AT&T logo for around 10 minutes.
Did it get past the logo?
No, stayed there for 30+ minutes so I just started from scratch. I want the add-on but I can’t get it installed correctly. I’m following the steps correctly but it just wont go through. The rest of the tutorial does work great. Just not the wifi tethering.
Would it make a difference if I had it included with the rooting process instead of doing separately?
Fireflash method of root confirmed working. Now to do the Wifi tethering 😀
Well, here goes, wish me luck!
Alright, everything appears to be working as it should as of this moment. Other than the “Custom” status it appears to have worked.
Yes, I believe I know what the problem was. I’ll let you know asap
Yeah, it was my mistake, Accidently selected flash firmware for partition file instead of zip or ota. Went through everything now to make sure its correct. And just to confirm when I say SD card I mean the one that’s installed alongside the sim card inside the phone, not one that comes from an adapter.
Yes, ext-SD card= the microSD card you buy from market to expand the storage of your device.
The partition section in Fireflash, I don’t have an auto mount option. is that okay?
Are you using an external SD card in the device?
Okay, thanks for the information, going to give this a shot. Another question, I know that sometimes a factory reset can remove root and I’ve seen where sometimes it doesn’t. Would a factory reset remove root access from this method? Don’t plan to perform one but might in the future. Lol.
Alright, one more question. After installation is finished, is it safe to remove the files used? The OTA, Parti, and/or tethering file?
Yes, you can remove them all.
When you say copy the files to our device, do you mean to put them on the SD card or the internal storage? Or does it matter?
That means you have to copy the downloaded files to the internal or external storage of your S4.
Just to clarify, the files can be placed on the SD? I’ve got the OTA, Partitions and the wifi tether. Alright to place these on the SD with no problems?
Yes, if you are going to use the FireFlash method, you can place the files on internal or external SD.
If you are talking about the OTA file, it must be copied to the external SD card.
my s4 is unlocked for use in pakistan currently its running 4.4.4 if i update using method 1 will my phone revert to bieng locked on AT&T?
It’ll not affect SIM-unlocked status.
A little confused. I rooted my s4 while it was still 4.4.2. But then i factory resetted it then installed lollipop through this method without keeping root. Can i root it again while it is still in lollipop or..?
No, you can’t. You must have root to be able to use FireFlash or Safestrap.
Can I use this going from 4.3 Jellybean?
Yes, you can use the FireFlash method.
I tried FireFlash twice and it didn’t work. I followed the instructions to the letter. I have flashed firmware and roms many many times and have never had a problem before. I was hoping I would have better luck with the Safestrap method if you think it would work.
What error do you get?
Actually this entire page is useless. Ive tried all methods and none of them work for the att gs4. Thanks for wasting my entire day and not caring to reply to my post asking for help!
A tutorial is as good as the user him/herself. If you don’t read things carefully and fulfil the prerequisites, it won’t work for you.
Well your a little to late, I’ve already been taken care of at XDA forums, which btw isn’t bloated with adds that take 20 min to load one page.
The links for the partition in method 1 and 2 are broken! Please help!
Hi, it has been fixed: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=95916177934555087
its awsome everything has worked thankuou
also, i did method 1. but it seem like i got stuck on the “samsung galaxy s4” screen…. idk if the installation was successful, or i had to wait. either way.. i flashed back to 4.4.2.. and will try again
i had the same problem, but i did the second method with safestrap.
unfurtunetly, the second method links are available anymore! unless you still got the file. and give them to me some how!
in method 2, the URL link for
are not working….
their are differnt links, try using mirrors, also he did mention removing a certain link, try method 1 with fireflash, it will prob work better.
Just updated to Lollipop 5.0.1.
First problem before had none with kitkat 4.4.4,
I can not send or receive photos per message.
Any idea to fix.
Hi, looks like the feature is not available on Lollipop. I’ll look for a solution and let you know if I get some workaround.
I resolve my problem, I change in the APN setting the following:
•Authentication Type- PAP or CHAP
•APN type – default,mms,supl,hipri,fota
Now I receive and send photos.
I have not done it yet but i must say wonderful step by step guide so its already a job well done thankyou Sir u should pls keep doing such things.
I have an att rooted S4 and want to upgrade without losing root. Will both method 1 and 2 work to keep root. Which is the easiest and will I keep my apps and settings. Does the WiFi tethering show up on my bill or just the data I use. I have unlimited plan and att wants me to drop it to get tethering. Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can use any of the 2 methods but I recommend using the 1st one.
By flashing the Tethering mod provided above, you’ll be able to enjoy it for free. AT&T will not be aware of it so it will consume the data from your ongoing plan. You won’t need to pay your carrier extra money for the tethering.
I have an S4 with the 4.4.2 firmware. Safestrap has been installed for a while but has never really been used. Method 1 looks much simpler and more preferable than Method 2, Can it be used in my situation?
SUCCESS! Here is my story:
ATT S4 unlocked on Bell/Virgin in Canada. i could NOT get OTA or kies update.
update from NB1 to NJ4 using tutorial. once you get your phone to stock NJ4 the rest is easy.
first boot took about 7min, stuck at ATT logo.
although the files may be from XDA you sure are better at explaining the steps
Thanks for sharing your experience and for the appreciation!
did everything correctly but after i erased some at%t bloatware the phone keeps rebooting, is there any to reflash the update and keep the root? i originally wanted to update since im having issues hearing the calls, random muted calls but microphone works on all other apps, reflashed 4.4.2 many times no good, thought it would be a software update issue
What do you mean by “did everything correctly”? Did you try to delete the bloats after updating to rooted Lollipop using method 1?
What happens when you flash the 4.4.2 firmware?
ok, i was on 4.4.2, updated to 4.4.4 with root, used method 1 (fireflash), after i was on lollipop i started deleting all att bloatware, i havent tried to flash the 4.4.2 again since im not sure i can downgrade, when i mention i reflashed 4.4.2 i mean before updating to 5.0.1 i tried reflashing 4.4.2 to fix the muted call issue on my phone
which method should I try
I am using SGH-I337 4.4.2 BasebandI337UCUFNI1 and my phone is not rooted!!
Try Towelroot from here: https://www.droidviews.com/root-att-and-verizon-galaxy-s5-without-voiding-knox-warranty/
Android follow the fireFlash method.
I dont want root the phone ,Just i want to install Lollipop
can i update my phone to lollipop without rooting??
Yes, you can. Just upgrade to NJ4 firmware and use the OTA method.
Thanks a lot Rakesh, mi phone working fine, now have android 5.01 rooted and tethering activated.
Glad to know it worked for you!
First problem before had none with kitkat 4.4.4,
I can not send or receive photos per message.
Any idea to fix.
Rakesh on the second method this link appears to be broken I337_OC3_Stock_Rooted_Backup.rar
Hi, please try method 1 as it’s better and easier.
When I extract I337_OC3_Stock_Rooted_Firmware.rar do not appear .tar extension.
What do you find then in the extracted folder. Give me the file name.
Then use that. It’s the same file.
Also, the link to download Android-FlashFire is not working.
First join the Google+ community linked above and then go click the Play store link: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/eu.chainfire.flash
Not working link, “We’re sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.”.
See this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=59959596&postcount=1
Download Fire Flash: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/84115590/FlashFire-eu.chainfire.flash-14-v0.14.apk
The link to download I337_OC3_Stock_Rooted_Backup.rar is not working.
Try method 1. The file has been removed as an easier method is available now.
I did method 1 and it worked with no problems thanks
hi rakesh, im currently on 4.4.2 with baseband as i337ucufnb1 and would like to know if i must update to 4.4.4 bfr i can update to 5.0.1 with root priviledges
You can go with the second method.
the galaxy s4 boot image is frozen on the screen after odin reboot.
Hi, did the device boot successfully?
no it did not, i turned it off and rebooted it but the same happened. i gave it 15 mins
I followed the first method and I can’t seem to find the update when i select the “apply update from external storage” the first time I attempted to do this i had it but I’d come across some error and it wouldn’t update completely. Also, I’m not sure if this is a problem but when i type “.zip” i notice that “.cfg ” is behind it. ex: 2400258.zip.cfg
I followed the second option. was able to update with root. but everytime I reboot my phone I’m prompted with a safestrap message. is there a way to disable that ?
Hi Rakesh… Im running android 4.4.2 nk4 on my i337… im rooted and have safestrap installed… can i use the second install instructions? Download the safestrap back up install and then install the other file with odin?
Hi, since the second method involves restoring a full ROM backup, you can go with it.
Great… I’m going to do it and report back… Thanks…
Hello again Rakesh, just to report that the second method worked, I’m now running lollipop… nevertheless I now can’t boot in to safestrap recovery, I read somewhere that safestrap is not updated to work with stock lollipop… so what can i do with stock recovery? Can I flash the tethering file, do backups and restore the ones created with safestrap?
I know that Safestrap doesn’t work on Lollipop but I still made the mistake by laying wrong steps to flash the tethering mod. You have to flash the mod just after restoring the lollipop backup in recovery. I am sorry for that!
Hi, please disregard my previous suggestion about flashing the tethering mod. I have been updating the tutorial now with new method.
Hi again, the tutorial has been updated now. You should now be able to flash the tethering add-on on Lollipop. Please try and report back.
I’m happy to report everything working ok… flashed the tethering mod and works fine… now on to update my wife’s gs4… thanks for the great tutorial Rakesh…
this didn’t work for me, I’d made the rookie mistake of not backing up my data and essentially reset my phone to factory settings while trying to update. I’m going to try again after enabling USB debugging.
Samsung SGH-i337 AT&T branded but unlocked and using a T-Mobile SIM
Which method did you try?
hi i try the first one and get error sideload half way through it. isit anyway it canbedone through odin without root
Tell me about the OS and firmware version. Also, is your phone rooted?
I337 4.4.2 NBA firmware.
I did everything as follows In instructions.
Extract the 5.0 update. To cfg on pc copy file to phone an change the name to zip
. Then put my phone into recovery an I’m unable to see the zip file in recovery mode.
but when I change the cfg file to zip on my pc an copy to my phone. It half way installed an I got error /tem/sideload
Looks like you did not read the instructions carefully. Read the step 1 in method 1 again.
I think the second method will be suitable for you.
i think i got it now. i didnt read it properly i was a tad bit to hasty … thanks for pointing out to me to read step one over carefully