There is no native support for third party themes or icons on Android but it does not mean that you cannot theme your phone at all. There are different launcher and widget apps in the Play Store that let you embellish your phone or tablet’s screen in various and unique ways. You can buy a beautiful looking device but if it does not have a beautiful UI, you will soon get bored of it. I have been through the same sense of feeling with my OppoFind 5. Samsung Galaxy devices too have clumsy feeling about the UI. And staring at the same screen where nothing changes becomes intolerable.
Human nature keeps seeking for change and novelty, whether it be life in general or a smartphone’s screen. It’s in such situations where customization comes to our help. If you have an unrooted Android device, you can install 3rd party launchers, icon packs and widgets to satisfy your quench for change but you will not be able to revamp every element of it user interface.
In Android, as things are currently, it’s only through rooting and installing custom ROMs with theme support that you can get ultimate customization. Today, we would not talk about how to theme your device but about how you can enjoy third-party icon packs on your Android device’s stock launcher. Surprised? I am not kidding! The only requirements your device must fulfill to be able to enjoy icon theming is that it should have Android 4.0 and up with root access.
Made by ruqqq from XDA, the Icon Theme app demand Xposed Framework Module to be installed on your device. Once installed the app, you can download any icon pack from the Play Store and bring some color and glow into your everyday life and change the look of your device every single day. It’s really time to pimp your device’s screen the way you want. I tested Icon Themer on my Galaxy S4 and S4 and it worked like a charm. I tried to get it work on my HTC One too but with no success. The Xposed Framework could not be installed on it. I think HTC users will have to wait till a patched it reeased to fix the issue.
To enjoy new eye candies whenever you wish, just install the Xposed Installer and Icon Themer apps on your phone. Open Xposed Installer and tap on “Install/Update” button. When the framework is installed, tap on “Modules” tab and enable Icon Themer by selecting it. Exit Xposed Installer and open Icon themer. Now tap on “Choose Icon Pack” button, select an icon pack ad then tap on “Apply Icon Pack” button. Reboot the device and you are done!
If Icon Themer does not work, use Unicon app from the Google Play Store:
To get free and paid icon packs, browse the Google Play Store.
What was that ?
No success on international version of S4 with omega rom
I have tested the old version on S4 with Omega but it no longer works on Android 4.3.
Try the Unicon app. I just tested it on stock 4.3 and 4.4.2 both (S4 & Note 3).
Hey Rakesh, Great Article, finally i understand what all the Xposed stuff are for with this new Rom I Installed. (first time using a TW Based Rom (Crash). my question is can you tell me the name of the iconset in the preview above and the Google Cards like Weather Widget on the home screen ? Thanks
Hi Gary, the name of the icon set (in the first preview) is Goolors and the widget is the default Google Now widget that can be found under widget panel on your phone.
Hey Rakesh, Sorry for the misunderstanding, i meant the second preview, right side. The icons with the curved edges and the weather widget on the left side… sorry.
Icons: Flatro
Widget: UCCW minimal theme
How do I install the files on to my galaxy s4? And can you tell me what I click on in xda to install the framework please.
Just install XposedInstaller_2.1.4, open it and tap on Install/Update button. Then select Icon themer module in the app.