The importance task managers and to-do list apps can’t be stressed enough. You could say that, in the age of smartphones, they have replaced the traditional pen and paper method of jotting down ideas.
While there are a bunch of awesome task organizing apps available on the Google Play Store, it never hurts to try something new, especially when it offers something different than what you’ve been using lately.
When it comes to to-do list and task organizing apps, it’s almost impossible to find an innovation these days. It’s like we have hit the point where we have got everything sorted and just can’t do better. That’s why the only thing that excites me about such apps now is the UI. The smooth and good-looking the UI, the better the app; because when it comes to features and functions everyone is offering the same thing. With that in mind, let’s check out Memorigi.
Memorigi’s user interface is as good and intuitive as it gets. The colors, the fonts, everything is simple and minimal. Upon opening the app, you’ll see your today’s task list. Since it’s the first time you’re opening the app, it will be empty. The page will show you the basic information like day and date. Tap on the red floating action button at the bottom to add tasks to your list. Here, you get a popup with a slick animation where you can add your task, along with reminders, repeats, and a note. Again, thanks to the careful selection of colors, everything looks awesome. Some cool features include adding tags and icons, color coding the notes for easy categorization.
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Memorigi also nails the gesture part. Tap on a task and swipe right to mark it as done, swipe left to snooze the task, and swipe down to delete the task.
When it comes to task managers, reminders are an important part, and Memorigi handles it perfectly. The app offers date reminders as well as location reminders. While creating a note, tap on the date to change the timing of the reminder. Again, the technique to set reminders is very intuitive.
Location-based reminders can be set the same way. They remind you to the task when you are entering or leaving the said location. However, location reminders are a premium feature.
Another premium feature worth paying for is tube ability to pin tasks. With this, you’ll be able to pin the tasks to the notification area and it’ll stay there until the set reminder.
Opting for the premium version will give you some more features like weather integration, real-time cloud synchronization, floating actions, themes, etc.
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Now, it’s not like Memorigi does something different or unique that other task managing apps don’t. It’s just that it performs the same exact function in a better way. And, that’s the best you can hope for until we get something innovative.
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.tinbits.memorigi&hl=en”/]
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