I can place a safe bet that CyanogenMod is the best custom ROM you’ll ever have on your Android device. Google’s failed attempt to gain the CyanogenMod Inc. increased the popularity and the craze of the CyanogenMod but seems like CyanogenMod has some other plans. We’re already aware that CyanogenMod released a custom version of its OS, the CM 11S for the OnePlus One and the apps on the CM 11S are not for the CM 11 which runs on the same KitKat flavor of Android. CyanogenMod also partnered with Micromax, an Indian manufacturer to released CyanogenMod based devices in India.
Looking at these events, it’s sure that CyanogenMod is cooking something under the hood. Just a couple of days back, CyanogenMod uploaded its CM 11S camera app on Playstore which is great. but it is restricted to the CM 11S users only. (That’s not great, CM developers) The Cyanogen Camera will be downloaded only the devices running on CM 11S which obviously is the OnePlus One as of now. Seems like CyanogenMod is following the path of HTC and Motorola in releasing proprietary apps which will work on certain devices only.
So, the Cyanogen Camera is official but you can’t download it unless you have a device which is powered by the CM 11s. You can follow the Play Store link for the app from below:
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cyngn.cameranext”]All you can see is the message saying that your device is Incompatible with the app (Unless you own the OnePlus One)
However, few reports say that the CM 11 users can successfully run the app on their devices without any force closes. But it’s a strict Force close to the non-CM users and we recommend not to install this app. The CM 11 users who want to test their luck by sideloading the app on your device can follow the Download link given below.
Download Cyanogen Camera App:ย CameraNext.apk
If you’ve faced with a force close on your CM 11 device, then don’t lose your heart as we give you another port which will bring the CM 11S Camera, Lockscreen, Gallery, and AudioFx on your CM 11 smartphone. Follow the below post to download the CM 11S port file.
Enjoy OnePlus One Camera, Gallery, Lockscreen and AudioFx on CM 11
So, one way or the other the CM 11 users will get the CM 11s apps but the AOSP lovers should wait a little longer to get these apps on your devices.
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