Ever since the emergence of Telegram, we have seen a drastic improvement or bits and pieces of “inspiration” that various other messaging clients have adopted. It is without a doubt that WhatsApp is by far the most used messaging app on numerous platforms, with over 450 Million users every day (as for Q2 2018). WhatsApp for Android, in particular, has over 1 Billion downloads – and for those who use the Facebook-owned messaging service, we have great news. Here’s howย to enable swipe to reply on WhatsApp for Android.
Swipe to Reply is now being rolled out to WhatsApp for all Android devices, and while there is no estimate for when the feature will be out in the stable release, theย 2.18.300 beta version of the app has already implemented the gesture. Before we proceed to see how you can enable this nifty little feature, let’s just take a few lines of appreciation of the plethora of such features that WhatsApp has implemented recently.
If you use WhatsApp in 2018, then group chats have never been more intuitive and friendly. You can not only make a group with permissions to send texts/media only for the admins, but the recent updates now allow you to have a group description, making it more professional. You can now group video call all your loved ones, and for those who have Android 8.0+ devices, PIP now supports a host of new applications like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube videos to be played while texting.
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With the formal introduction out of the way, let’s get to the point which excites us the most, and that is the new Swipe to Reply feature. We’ve seen it in Telegram, or even iOS, and after using it for just a few hours, it is a welcome addition, especially in this gesture-oriented world of operating systems we’re headed to.
Enable Swipe to Reply on WhatsApp for Android
If you have already signed up in the “Beta Testing” section on the Play Store for WhatsApp, then all you have to do is wait for an update.
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.whatsapp”]To use this feature, all you literally have to do is hop into a chat, and swipe right on a message you wish to quote – it’s that simple. This feature works great and does indeed save you a lot of time as opposed to the older way of quoting texts. If you have any suggestions or impressions about this feature, we would love to hear them in the comments section below!
Must read:ย ReadItToMe Gives Voice to WhatsApp, Hangouts and Telegram Messages
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