Telegram groups are a great way to exchange information and get notified about recent developments. Unlike WhatsApp, you could simply search and subsequently join any group of your choice. Moreover, Telegram currently allows adding up to 2,00,000 members into the group, which is way more than what its nearest competitor has in store. While being a part of these groups is definitely quite interesting, the same, however, can’t be said of the admins of these groups. If you are the admin of any group and feel burdened with the administrative duties, then probably it’s time to pass on the torch. Fortunately, Telegram provides a very easy way to transfer group ownership to any other member of the group. Let’s have a look at the steps to do so. Also, don’t forget to check out 11 Telegram tips and tricks.
Transfer Group Ownership in Telegram
Before you try out this guide, there are two requirements that need to be fulfilled. First off, you should have been signed in to the Telegram app for at least 24 hours. Secondly, and the more important one, requires you to have enabled Two Factor Authentication for at least 7 days. If you haven’t done so, head over to Settings > Privacy and Security > Two-Step Verification and proceed with the on-screen instructions that follow.
After that, bookmark this article and come back a week later to transfer group ownership in Telegram. Users who have already enabled it can try the below-mentioned steps right away. Also, have a look at the steps to disable the Telegram account link in forwarded messages.
Steps to Follow
- Open the group in Telegram whose administrative rights you wish to transfer.
- Tap on the group name and then on the Edit icon situated at the top right.
- Next, head over to the Administrators section and tap on Add Admin.
- Choose the desired group member to whom you wish to transfer the group ownership in Telegram.
- Now enable the toggle next to Add New Admins. As soon as you do so, you’ll see the Transfer Group Ownership option at the bottom.
- Finally, tap on Change Owner in the pop-up that appears. This option will only work once both the prerequisites are met.
So that was all from the guide on how to transfer group ownership in Telegram. If administrative responsibilities have now become too much of a burden for you, try out the above steps and take a break from these duties.
- Read Next:ย 6 Useful Telegram Cloud Tips and Tricks
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