Galaxy S5 Tips and Tricks
Debloat T-Mobile and Sprint Galaxy S5 (SM-G900T/G900P)
Samsung devices are have been criticized a lot for the bloatware included in them. Moreover, Samsung devices from a carrier are a total
Enable Native Call Recording on Galaxy S5, Note 3 & Note 4
Call recording is one of the basic features in smartphones and you can even find this option in some of the basic phones. The main
How to Boost Wi-Fi Signal on Android Devices
Mobile Data is out of trend now, and is taken over by Wi-Fi, which is more cost effective and fast. Wi-Fi is available almost
Backup the EFS and NV Data on Samsung Galaxy S5 Manually
Imagine that you’re using a smartphone as advanced as Samsung Galaxy S5 but unable to make a call or connect to internet after
Backup & Restore EFS on Samsung Devices with Samsung EFS Backup
Many people like Android because it offers the widest range of choice when it comes to picking a smartphone or tablet. The OS
Enable Native WiFi Tethering on AT&T and T-Mobile Galaxy S5
Rolling into the past is a beautiful experience where you’ll get to recollect all the memories and the fun you had back in the
How to Enable WiFi Hotspot on Sprint Galaxy S5 (SM-G900P)
Let’s pretend to be a little nostalgic for a while! Just roll back 4-5 years and try to remember what the phone you owned was
How to Enable Call Recording on Samsung Galaxy S5
Call recording on a smartphone is a feature all people might not want to use but there are still many who find it a must-have asset for