The Samsung Galaxy S5 is theย flagship device of the Korean OEM and so it features the best of smartphone technology Samsung is capable of. Supported further by an open source platform like Android, the Galaxy S5 becomes a phone with immense possibilities. However, to be able to explore all these possibilities of customization and performance and make the best use of your device, you must root it first.
Rooting gives the user access to the very system files that lay hidden otherwise. By installing amazing root apps from the Google Play, you can experienceย the privilege not-root users can only dream of. For the last some days, we have been striving hard to post rooting tutorial for different variants of the phone. Thanks to Chainfire’s CF-Auto-Root kit that rooting most of its models has become possible.
If you have got your Galaxy S5 from the US network provider Metro PCS and now want to root your phone, our today’s guide is just for you. The CF-Root method described below is very easy and require a few clicks to achieve the goal.
Rooting your Metro PCSย Galaxy S5 SM-G900T1 will void its warranty and might put your device under risk of soft-brick. The method described below has been tested successfully by the users of the phone, yet we, or the developer, do not hold any responsibility for any kind of mishap. You are the owner of your device and proceed only if you’re ready to face all consequences.
- Download Chainfire’s rooting package for the Metro PCSย Galaxy S5 and unzip it:ย CF-Auto-Root-kltemetropcs-kltemetropcs-smg900t1.zip
- Download and install either Samsung Kie of Samsung USB Drivers on your computer. Skip this step if you already have any of them on your PC.
- Go to Settings> More> Developer options and enable USB Debugging on your Galaxy S5.
Root Galaxy S5 SM-G900T1
Having made the preparations, it’s time now to plunge into some real action. Follow the steps given below toย root Galaxy S5 SM-G900T1 (Metro PCS):
- Open CF-Auto-Root folder and launch the Odin program.
- Turn off your Galaxy S5 and boot it into the Download Mode: hold the Volume Down + Home + Power buttons at the same time for a few seconds till you see the warning screen. Now press the Volume Up key and your phone will enter Download Mode.
- Now connect the device to your PC and wait till your device is detected by Odin. It’s indicated by a light blue signal at the ID:COM port.
- Click PDA on Odin and select theย CF-Auto-Root-kltemetropcs-kltemetropcs-smg900t1.tar.md5 file.
- Then click the Start button and wait till the installation finishes.
- Finally, you’ll see PASS! message on Odin and your device will reboot automatically.
Wait till your Galaxy S5 boots up and when it does, go to app drawer and look for the SuperUser app there. Open the app and update the su binary if it prompts you. Your Galaxy S5 SM-G900T1 now has root access. To verify proper root access, you can install Root Checker from the Play Store:
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrummyapps.rootchecker”]See Also: How to Hide Root on Android and Pass SafetyNet Check
Thanks worked like charm and even fixed my mistake when using PhiLz-Touch. Took only 3 minutes.