Android 6.0 Marshmallow is the latest OS for Android devices. Although it’s stable, it still comes with some bugs or need some minor fixes here and there. One of them is the MTP connectivity issue during device connectivity to PC. However, XDA forum memberย bitstra has managed to fix the issue with an easy to use App named ‘MTP enabler for Marshmallow’.
The developer says that there is a manual method to fix the problem. By tapping onto the system dialog window and enabling MTP from there can solve it. However, the developer has managed to automate the process by creating the MTP Enabler App and make the process simple. The MTP-enabler App holds a widget for enabling MTP which is a stable mode. It also sports a listening feature for Broadcast Intent while connecting USB. However, it’s still experimental.
The usage is simple. Just setup the App and place a widget of ‘MTP enabler’ onto the Home Screen and tap it before you connect your Android device to PC using a USB cable. The MTP mode shall be enabled automatically by thisย process. The widget changes itsย background color to Orange uponย USB connection.
Alternatively, you can setup the app for receiving Broadcast Intent when USB connecting. When it receives the intent it launches the system panel for USB connection type dialog and sends a (touch) input onto the coordinates of the MTP-option. MTP enabler won’t touch any system file or tinker with your system. No init or other such components are used. Moreover,ย Google’s security intent by User-Action for USB-connection remains preserved.
However, you will need a rooted device for this App to function. The App has beenย tested working on Nexus 7 (2013) running on MoRoM 3.2, Nexus 4 running on CM13, Moto G LTE running on CM13. All these devices have been rooted with the latest SuperSU v2.65.
You can check the option ‘ask me for action’ within the MTP-enabler setup Appย if you intent to select the connection type manually. By default, the MTP option is selected.
Changelog for latest version:
– stable release
– robust USB connect on Mac OSX!
– ADB/shell persists stable now!
– MTPenabler blocked, when on AC power adapter / Wireless charger
– No need to open Android-File transfer-Window on PC/Mac, when you set ‘Charging’ as default action in MTPenabler Setup
– ADB stays enabled by default when you set ‘Charging’ as default action in MTPenabler Setup
– Your selected default USB-option is active on the fly, after leaving MTPenabler setup screen – without disconnect/reconnect USB-cable
To fix MTP issues on Marshmallow, download MTP Enabler for Marshmallow App:
MTP Enabler Ver. 1.1 Downloadย | File:ย MTPenabler_Release_1.1.apk
For more information and latest release, get to the developer page.
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