Video games have gradually evolved with technological advancements. Playing them has become a habit people engage in subconsciously. Even though some games are specific about the age limits of participants, others are open to whoever can play. As a result, it stirs the debate: Should children play video games?
Why Should Children Play Video Games?
Even though playing video games is slowly becoming a preferred pastime activity, it is crucial to get into the depth of the practice.
How Does It Affect Children?
According to research, there are detrimental effects linked to playing video games. At the same time, studies have shown that playing video games has positive effects. Go through this article as it explores both ends of the coin.
Before getting to conclusions, it is essential to note that, as a parent, you should be keen on the behavioral impact of video games on children by observing their reactions after being exposed to them.
For instance, if you notice a child being overly aggressive after playing video games, that could only mean that the games have stimulated their brain negatively. At the same time, if you notice that a dull child suddenly develops the courage to learn after being exposed to video games, that could mean they are being positively influenced.
How Safe Is It to Let Kids Play Video Games?
According to research, video games are considered relatively safe for children. However, as a parent, you must take the necessary precautionary measures since kids manifest the effects of long hours of exposure to video games differently.
For instance, as a parent, you should monitor the games your young ones play online. Video games comprising graphic images and activities will likely make your young one overstimulated. This might result in them being too aggressive after exposure.
If your young one manifests signs of aggression, limiting their exposure to the screen is essential. Chances are they might be addicted to screens. Alternatively, they might be triggered by external factors, not necessarily the games. Therefore, it is crucial to take time to establish what could be making them irritable.
Benefits of Video Games
Even though most skeptical parents are likely to dwell on the negative impact of these games, it is fair to acknowledge the positive effects as well. Letting your young one play video games positively impacts their cognitive function.
For instance, most video games engage the player’s hand-eye coordination. They also foster cognitive functions like making quick decisions while factoring in time. This ultimately translates into how fast the child is in decision-making and the quality of decisions they make.
1. Mood
Video games have also been linked to improved mood among players. For instance, a child playing a game will likely feel fulfilled after winning. The dopamine rush of winning a game is also expected to positively influence their self-esteem and confidence.
2. Nurturing a Career
Have you come across professional video game players online? Most of them started nurturing the craft at a tender age. Currently, they are among the highest-income earners online.
3. Socialization
Online video games allow kids to interact and connect with other gamers. This fosters a sense of community among them. This community could enlighten them on where to buy essays from online academic providers.
4. Resilience
Video games test the players’ mental fortitude. For instance, winning gives them a sense of fulfillment, while losing tests their resilience, especially emotionally. It also nurtures a spirit of not giving up.
5. Problem-Solving
Some games test the player’s problem-solving skills. They are required to think through their next move or else lose. Therefore, this is a positive skill they will acquire from the experience and apply it elsewhere.
The Best Video Games
These are the preventive measures you could employ to ensure the safety of your young one when playing these games:
- Exposing them to age-appropriate games.
- Ensuring that they are supervised when playing the games.
- Reviewing the games before letting them play them.
- Encouraging them to play simple games.
Safety in Video Gaming
Besides exploring both worlds in video gaming, this article goes the extra mile to recommend safety measures that you should enforce to ensure the safety of the little ones.
1. Observation
Since there are conflicting reports regarding video games’ effects on kids, it is fair to be observant. Look out for any strange behaviors in your little ones. If you notice them being too aggressive or irritable, take action by limiting the time spent playing the games.
Another concerning behavior to look out for is your young one’s ability to concentrate. If they struggle to stay still and focus, this could be a reason for you to limit their exposure to screens.
In such instances, engage them to establish what the issue could be. If you confirm that video games have contributed significantly to the problem, encourage them to participate in other activities instead.
2. Screen Time
Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to screens and blue lights contributes significantly to overstimulation of the brain. As a result, kids react by being too aggressive. If you notice this behavior in your young one, consider limiting the time spent playing video games.
According to a recommendation by a pediatric body, kids should be allowed not more than two hours of being exposed to screens with blue lights.
3. What Are They Playing?
As a parent, you should go the extra mile to ensure you know what your young ones are playing. Even though some games have an age limit, you can never guarantee another person’s opinion of what is best for your kid. Therefore, as a parent, it is vital to cross-check to ensure it meets your standards and will not have detrimental effects on your baby.
4. Engage Them
Another strategy that promises to yield better fruits when cross-checking the safety of the games your little ones play is playing with them. The shared experience will likely give you an in-depth understanding of what they are being exposed to.
In Conclusion
So, should kids play video games? Even though there is no definite answer to the question, it is important for parents to be proactive and vigilant when their young ones are exposed to video games.
Further reading: 10 Best Games to Play with Friends on Android
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