Every day we deal with lots of information and responsibility. The number of things to deal with just keep on increasing as the day goes by and if not organized properly all these information will lead to a mess and the tasks will not be achieved.
Now, there are some who can keep everything organized via a mental list while others like to write everything down. Since our smartphones have become an important part of our day-to-day lives it makes sense to make use of this digital technology to jot everything down and keep yourself organized. This is where a to-do list creator comes in.
Fortunately, there are tons of apps in the Google play store specifically created for this purpose. I, personally, prefer Google Keep as my go-to to-do list creator. There are other apps like Evernote, Wunderlist, Todoist, etc. While these are fully loaded apps, things can get complicated as they offer lots of features that not everyone uses. If you too get confused with such apps and want a simpler to-do list app then you have to try ListOut.
ListOut is a to-do list maker which is as simple as an app of its kind could be. No frills, no complications, just a simple to-do list app. It has a nice, clean and minimal user interface without any flashy and complicated gimmick.
To create a to-do list tap on the to-do list icon on top or swipe right on the main screen and select tasks. On the next page, add a title for your task (for example – shopping) and then add the tasks to perform. Once it’s done, tap on the red plus icon on top to save it. You can remove a task from the list, while creating it, by long pressing that task. Once it’s saved, you can see it in the tasks panel which can be accessed from the app menu. In the tasks panel, you’ll see how many tasks and subtasks you have. You can also mark a task as completed from the same page.
Other than tasks, it also hosts a note-taking option which can be accessed by tapping note’s icon on the main page or from the vertical menu.
In terms of customization, it offers 5 beautiful themes that change colors of every part of the app. So that’s ListOut. It’s a fairly new app but still it impresses with its simple looks, ease to use, and no distraction mantra.
ListOut is a paid app but it costs less than a dollar. Do try it out if you want an uncomplicated to-do list creator.
[googleplay url=”https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rocketapptechnologies.listout”/]
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