A rooted Android device can do things ย that non-rooted device users can only dream of. There was a time when we could add new features to our device only by installing a custom ROM. With the arrival of the Xposed Framework for rooted Android phones and tablets several aspects of customization have become commonplace. With the help of Xposed modules, you can bring various types of changes in the framework of your device.
Considering the versatility and importance of ย Xposed Framework we keep sharing some interesting modules for it. Whenย LovewuChin from XDA developers released his module for Xposed a couple of days ago, we did not share it here as it was a little buggy. His module, which he simply callsย XMultiWindow, has now been updated and works like a charm.
You must be aware that the multi-window feature was first seen on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Later, Samsung pushed the feature to all its high-end devices. As you know, our great developers enjoy snatching the “exclusive” tag from certain features of mass interest, Omni ROM lead developer,ย XpLoDWilD, introduces a similar multi-window features to Omni. Again, multi-window became exclusive to Omni users.
With hisย XMultiWindow module for Xposed framework, LovewuChinย has made it possible for all rooted Android users to enjoy the feature on their smartphone and tablet devices. When installed and activated on your device, the module adds the ability to use 2 applications at the same time. It lets you launch two apps that share half part of the device’s screen each.
Omni ROM Multi-Window has already been implemented in different custom ROMs. But if your ROM does not have this feature, you can enjoy it with the help of Xposed Framework. Please note thatย ย XMultiWindow is still in early stages of development but it works quite well in portrait and landscape modes both.
To be able to useย XMultiWindow, you will have to install XposedFramework and enable the module first. Once activated, you’ll see a trigger button on the screen and you can launch pre-defined apps by tapping it. The app also lets you choose whether you want to launch a specific app to up or down workspace.
XMultiWindow:ย com.lovewuchin.xposed.xmultiwindow.apk
XposedFramework Installer:ย de.robv.android.xposed.installer.apk
To know more about XposedFramework, its modules and how to install and use it, read this tutorial.
many bugs.. two application open in multiwindow.. second apps is access and work fine.. but first apps only open and not access..
I have checked it on my Nexus 5 and it works fine,
What ROM is in that Screenshots?
I am using CM 11 on Nexus 5 with Neon Colors theme from the play store.