The latest Android update; KitKat 4.4.1 which was earlier talked about has now been released and explained. The update aims at bring massive update to the Camera. And for any change in the features, is definitely due to a change in the source code. A good news for the developers out there, eh! The source for the lately released updated version i.e KitKat 4.4 are now uploaded completely on the AOSP server.
Visit the KitKat-MR1-release page, which shows that this release is basically KitKat 4.4 MR1 labelled KOT49E. The apt tag for the update isย android-4.4.1_r1. So, if you’re a developer just enter the following repo initializing command and start the sync.
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-4.4.1_r1
For those who are new to Android development and are willing to get their worthy hands on-work, should visit this page that shall guide you to all the way during your development.
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