This might just be The Moment for the Droid DNA developers, for their ideas can now be outdrawn to the device. This incomparable feature packed device was introduced in the smartphone market a few weeks back and surely our community doesn’t take any time to get their hands to devices like these.
The great thing is the HTC Droid DNA bootloader has been unlocked. In case you own this phone, you can now root the Droid DNA by following our detailed tutorial.
The Droid DNA’s bootloader was unlocked and the device achieved root within 2 days of its release. This amazing HD device by HTC now has limitless abilities to taste custom ROMs, kernels, tweaks and much more just with the release of its source code on HTCDev.
The HTC Droid DNA source code is available via HTCDev.com for Android Jelly Bean 4.1 which is a 3.4.10 kernel supported code. The outsourcing will surely enable aftermarket firmware teams like CyanogenMod, AOKP, Codename Android and MIUI to come into action workout on this brilliant quad-core device. So, you can really hope to see them out very soon.
The source code is accessible at the HTCDev Downloads. If you seek any development support, visit the Droid DNA XDA development section.
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